David Shapiro in New York, New York

We found 79 people named David Shapiro in New York, New York - NY. View current home address, phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, age, birthday, public records and background check information.

Phone Numbers: (212) 628-3761, (310) 859-9270, (646) 791-0429
Current Address: 983 Park Avenue # 15c, New York, NY 10028
Lived In: 303 N Swall Drive Apt 402, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone Numbers: (212) 427-2239, (212) 772-1455, (212) 787-5975, (212) 831-0407, (212) 876-6829
Current Address: 200 E 74th Street Apt 14h, New York, NY 10021
Lived In: 1310 Church Street Apt 1, San Francisco, CA 94114; Bronx, NY 10453

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Relatives: Marcus Shapiro
Current Address: 75 W End Avenue, New York, NY 10023
Aliases: David Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (714) 540-5933, (805) 965-2720, (805) 966-9108, (818) 762-3843
Current Address: 950 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
Lived In: 1869 Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90026; North Hollywood, CA 91606

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Current Address: 641 Lexington Avenue Fl 10, New York, NY 10022
Phone Numbers: (917) 593-6996
Current Address: 235 E 49th Street, New York, NY 10017
Phone Numbers: (404) 600-3038, (407) 265-7319, (407) 421-5983, (818) 755-9210, (818) 755-9464
Current Address: 1415 Crocus Court, Longwood, FL 32750
Lived In: 4466 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91602; Atlanta, GA 30327
Phone Numbers: (352) 288-0849, (732) 633-2101
Current Address: 5 Bay Drive Pass, Ocklawaha, FL 32179
Lived In: 17867 Se 86th Oak Leaf Terrace, The Villages, FL 32162; North Brunswick, NJ 08902

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Aliases: David J Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (215) 816-3273, (609) 466-4079, (609) 713-5365, (609) 737-1642, (721) 641-3622
Current Address: 162 Coburn Road, Pennington, NJ 08534
Lived In: 42 South Lane, Boynton Beach, FL 33435; Clifton, NJ 07012
Aliases: David Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (408) 891-7097, (408) 891-7124, (650) 336-7618, (661) 505-7026, (818) 387-6826
Current Address: 12833 Pinefield Road, Poway, CA 92064
Lived In: 534 East Harvard Road Apartment D, Burbank, CA 91501; Citrus Heights, CA 95610

David E Shapiro

in New York, NY
Relatives: Mary Hlavaty
Phone Numbers: (301) 699-8830, (301) 699-8833
Current Address: 3419 41st Avenue, Brentwood, MD 20722
Lived In: 448 W 46th Street, New York, NY 10036; Arlington, VA 22204

David K Shapiro

in New York, NY
Phone Numbers: (212) 245-3070, (720) 929-2374, (919) 803-0254, (919) 845-8158
Current Address: 6124 Penny Road, Raleigh, NC 27606
Lived In: 14330 Waterside Lane, Broomfield, CO 80023; Englewood, CO 80111
Aliases: David Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (209) 275-7106, (516) 239-0156, (516) 239-3927, (516) 295-1117, (516) 295-5311
Current Address: 280 Narragansett Avenue, Lawrence, NY 11559
Lived In: 8818 Kolmar Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076; Hoboken, NJ 07030

David N Shapiro

in New York, NY
Relatives: Jonathan Shapiro
Current Address: 174 W 76th Street Apt 5h, New York, NY 10023
Aliases: David J Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (212) 452-1660, (212) 570-9213, (212) 579-4844, (212) 712-2960, (212) 922-9392
Current Address: 424 West End Avenue Apartment 18g, New York, NY 10024
Lived In: 29 Oakcrest Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816; Hoboken, NJ 07030
Current Address: 200 E 24th Street, New York, NY 10010
Lived In: 6801 Shore Road, Brooklyn, NY 11220

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Current Address: 7 W 24th Street Apt 4r, New York, NY 10010
Relatives: Ethel Kopelson, Sara Plevan, Camille Shapiro, Debra Shapiro, Gerald Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (212) 543-1749, (212) 666-5523, (212) 865-7665, (570) 686-3180, (718) 543-1749
Current Address: 203 W 14th Street Apt 3f, New York, NY 10011
Lived In: 7913 Jensen Place, Bethesda, MD 20817; Bronx, NY 10464
Aliases: David Shapiro
Relatives: Joan Asher, Daniel Schapiro, Claire Shapiro, Daniel Shapiro, Daniel Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (212) 307-5230, (212) 866-7543, (212) 866-7937
Current Address: 315 Riverside Drive Apt 1b, New York, NY 10025
Lived In: 315 Fdr Drive, New York, NY 10002; New York, NY 10019
Phone Numbers: (646) 370-5827, (650) 282-5270, (650) 336-7618, (818) 387-6826, (908) 367-0285
Current Address: 10 Barclay Street Apt 39e, New York, NY 10007
Lived In: 24562 Polaris Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629; Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

David M Shapiro

in New York, NY
Aliases: David Shapiro, David M Shaprio
Phone Numbers: (201) 759-0665, (504) 833-0533, (919) 488-8278, (919) 696-6003, (954) 775-0082
Current Address: 6935 Long Leaf Drive, Pompano Beach, FL 33076
Lived In: 21556 Cypress Hammock Drive Apartment 41e, Boca Raton, FL 33428; Boca Raton, FL 33431

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Aliases: David J Shapiro
Phone Numbers: (347) 599-2690, (347) 725-3813, (718) 634-1447, (718) 945-8872, (917) 750-4363
Current Address: 162 Beach 145th Street, Rockaway Park, NY 11694
Lived In: 249 Marlberry Circle, Jupiter, FL 33458; Joliet, IL 60435

David E Shapiro

in New York, NY
Current Address: 75 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Aliases: David L Shepiro
Phone Numbers: (305) 505-2785, (954) 263-7101, (954) 322-0348, (954) 533-4963, (954) 565-2286
Current Address: 339 Madison Street, Hollywood, FL 33019
Lived In: 11136 Sangria Court, Boca Raton, FL 33498; Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

David Shapiro

in New York, NY
Current Address: 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166

79 records found

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David Shapiro Q&A

Frequently asked questions for David Shapiro

Is there a phone number listed for David Shapiro?

David Shapiro's phone number is (212) 628-3761.

Is there any information on David Shapiro's current address?

David's address is listed as 983 Park Avenue # 15c, New York, NY 10028. Previous cities include Beverly Hills, Valley Village, Pittstown, and West Orange.

Is there an email address for David Shapiro?

You can email David Shapiro at dar****@yahoo.com, sha****@ms.com and dsh****@beteshgroup.com.

In what year was David Shapiro born, and how old are they?

David Shapiro was born between 1943 and 1986 and is around 38 to 81 years old.

Does David Shapiro have any relatives?

David Shapiro is related to Sylvia Wolkoisky, Marcie Nobel and Leslie Citron.

What is David Shapiro's relationship status?

Our records show a 60% chance of David Shapiro being married or in a relationship.

How much money does David Shapiro make?

Our records show that David Shapiro may make between $61K and $71K.

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