William Murphy in Armed Forces

We found 9 people named William Murphy in Apo and Fpo. View current home address, phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, age, birthday, public records and background check information.

Relatives: Patricia Murphy
Phone Numbers: (302) 747-6499
Current Address: 4 Po Box, Neelyton, PA 17239
Lived In: 61322 Unit, Apo, AE 09803; Newark, DE 19711
Aliases: William Murphy
Phone Numbers: (434) 263-5525, (540) 672-6624, (908) 454-9793, (908) 859-0232, (919) 637-0065
Current Address: 24495 Oak Forest Drive, Rapidan, VA 22733
Lived In: 54 Psc, Apo, AE 09601; Joplin, MO 64804
Phone Numbers: (757) 489-7456, (760) 774-8231, (760) 774-8241
Current Address: 601 Pembroke Avenue Apt 612, Norfolk, VA 23507
Lived In: 821 Psc, Apo, AE 09421; Palm Springs, CA 92262
Phone Numbers: (904) 343-5603
Current Address: 12 Box # 1005 Psc, Fpo, AE 09593
Phone Numbers: (941) 629-4001
Current Address: 427 Cmr, Apo, AE 09630
Lived In: 152 Birchtree Drive, Westwood, MA 02090
Current Address: 204 Modoc Street, Orland, CA 95963
Lived In: 12 Psc 1005 Box, Fpo, AE 09593
Phone Numbers: (573) 642-6311, (816) 263-3310
Current Address: 3744 Courtney Lane, Kingdom City, MO 65262
Lived In: 814 Psc, Fpo, AE 09865; Fpo, AP 96595
Phone Numbers: (757) 490-1088, (850) 476-0848, (904) 476-0848
Current Address: 1 Po Box, Fpo, AE 09728
Lived In: Spring Valley, CA 91978; Memphis, TN 38135
Aliases: William Richard Mike
Phone Numbers: (352) 335-1885, (352) 514-0810, (410) 255-6981, (410) 439-0324, (813) 936-2436
Current Address: 1661 Cmr 469 Box, Apo, AE 09227
Lived In: 5515 Nw 27th Street # B, Gainesville, FL 32653; Miami, FL 33152

9 records found

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William Murphy Q&A

Frequently asked questions for William Murphy

Is there a phone number listed for William Murphy?

William Murphy's phone number is (302) 747-6499.

Is an address currently listed for William Murphy?

William's address is listed as 4 Po Box, Neelyton, PA 17239. Previous cities include Apo, Newark, and East Williston.

Is there an email address for William Murphy?

William Murphy's email is wil****@sbcglobal.net.

In what year was William Murphy born?

William Murphy was born between 1947 and 1972, making William Murphy around 52 to 77 years old.

Does William Murphy have any relatives?

William Murphy is related to William Murphy, Donna Houf and Judith Wantz.

What is William Murphy's relationship status?

Our records show a 54% chance of William Murphy being married or in a relationship.

How much money does William Murphy make?

Our records show that William Murphy may make between $66K and $76K.

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