Jaime Lossantos in the US

We found 4 people named Jaime Lossantos in Texas, North Carolina, Kansas and 3 other states. View current home address, phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, age, birthday, public records and background check information.


Jaime D Lossantos

in Colorado Springs, CO
Aliases: Jaime Mdelos Delossantos, Jaime Montes Montes, Jaime Montes, Jaime Mdelos Santos
Phone Numbers: (303) 745-7840, (719) 447-8995, (719) 473-4329, (719) 542-6807, (719) 553-6858
Current Address: 1690 Lenmar Drive Apartment R102, Colorado Springs, CO 80997
Lived In: 11291 E Alameda Avenue Apt 11, Aurora, CO 80012; Aurora, CO 80010
Aliases: Jaime De De, Jaime D Delossantos, Jaime De Delossantos, Jamie L Delossantos, Jamie De Delossantos
Phone Numbers: (210) 308-9424, (210) 408-7269, (210) 479-5406, (361) 248-4167, (361) 479-5406
Current Address: 6440 Everhart Road Apt 17d, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Lived In: 2894 Ashling Court, Schaumburg, IL 60193; Fayetteville, NC 28302
Aliases: Jaime Delos, Jamie P Delos, Jaime P Delossantos, Jamie P Delossantos, Jaime De Santos
Relatives: Daniel Delos, Juan Delossanto, Consorcia Delossantos, Desiree Delossantos, Diego Delossantos
Phone Numbers: (626) 226-6356, (626) 448-6391
Current Address: 2727 Leafdale Avenue, El Monte, CA 91732
Lived In: Norwalk, CA 90650; South El Monte, CA 91733
Aliases: Jaime C Delossantos, Jaime Santos
Relatives: Daniel Delos, Juan Delossanto, Consorcia Delossantos, Desiree Delossantos, Diego Delossantos
Phone Numbers: (352) 750-0332, (626) 226-6356, (626) 274-9235, (626) 448-6391
Current Address: 1415 E Larkwood Street, West Covina, CA 91791
Lived In: 2727 Leafdale Avenue, El Monte, CA 91732; Norwalk, CA 90650

4 record found

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Jaime Lossantos Q&A

Frequently asked questions for Jaime Lossantos

What is Jaime Lossantos's phone number?

Jaime's number is listed as (303) 745-7840.

Is there any information on Jaime Lossantos's current address?

Jaime's current address is listed as 1690 Lenmar Drive Apartment R102, Colorado Springs, CO 80997. Previous cities include Aurora, Denver, Pueblo, and Garden City.

What is Jaime Lossantos's email address?

You can email Jaime Lossantos at jai****@hotmail.com, m0n****@aol.com and m0n****@altavista.com.

In what year was Jaime Lossantos born, and how old are they?

Jaime Lossantos was born between 1960 and 1986 and is around 39 to 64 years old.

Does Jaime Lossantos have any relatives?

Jaime Lossantos is related to Kimberly Johnson, Chena Thompson and Jennifer Brinkman.

What is Jaime Lossantos's relationship status?

Our records show a 59% chance of Jaime Lossantos being married or in a relationship.

How much money does Jaime Lossantos make?

Our records show that Jaime Lossantos may make between $48K and $58K.

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