Angela A Patterson
in Dallas, TX866 records found
More Information on Angela Patterson
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Angela Patterson Q&A
Frequently asked questions for Angela Patterson
- What is Angela Patterson's phone number?
Angela's number is listed as (303) 457-4566.
- What is Angela Patterson's current address?
Angela's current address is listed as 8246 S Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619. Previous cities include Harvey.
- How can I contact Angela Patterson via email?
Angela Patterson's emails are fjx****, tee**** and ian****
- In what year was Angela Patterson born, and how old are they?
Angela Patterson was born between 1943 and 1991 and is around 33 to 81 years old.
- Does Angela Patterson have any relatives?
Angela Patterson is related to Ronnie Dukes, Amber Hull and Tia Booker.
- What is Angela Patterson's relationship status?
Our records show a 57% chance of Angela Patterson being married or in a relationship.
- How much money does Angela Patterson make?
Our records show that Angela Patterson may make between $105K and $115K.
Contact Information
This section contains possible phone numbers and email addresses belonging to Angela Patterson.
Phone Numbers
(231) 271-4554 (202) 606-1328 (405) 464-1490 (740) 633-2742 (205) 323-3482 (214) 221-3614Email Addresses
ang**** red**** sun**** ang**** sch**** ang****@aol.comBusiness & Employment Records
Find out where Angela Patterson is currently employed and if they own a business.